Human Resources Strategies

Human Resources Strategies

HRM Master Course

#17 Making social Feedback most effective

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Feedback is essential for learning and improvement. That’s for sure. To be most effective the one receiving feedback must be open for it in order to reach the highest possible level of reflection. This depends on how social feedback is being managed within a given context.

All slides of the entire series can be downloaded here:

#16 Defining Objectives and Performance Expectations

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At some point organizations, teams and employees must be clear about what is supposed to be achieved. We either talk about objectives, results, standards or performance expectations in general. There is the question though how to handle this depending on a given structural and cultural context.

All slides of the entire series can be downloaded here:

#13 Is your Onboarding about Babysitting or about cold Water?

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Onboarding is about reducing new hires’ uncertainty and steepening their learning curve towards a required level of productivity. However, there are different strategic options. New hires could either be taken by their hands or be thrown into the cold water. But there is much more to think of.

All slides of the entire series can be downloaded here:

#12 Who should be happy with your Recruitment Process?

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For most companies predicting applicants’ potential performance is of highest priority. This is focus on validity might be reasonable. However, when it comes to selecting candidates there are some more strategic options to be considered. In this episode we look at candidate experience and the role of artificial intelligence in particular.

All slides of the entire series can be downloaded here:

#11 Using Networks for effective difficult Hiring

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There is much more than just job ads or executive search. When it comes to specialist hiring or difficult mass hiring active sourcing strategies are required to hire so called passive candidates. This eposode focuses on two approaches in particular: employee referral programs and talent communities.

All slides of the entire series can be downloaded here:

About this podcast

This podcast provides a comprehensive overview on the strategic side of human resources management (HRM). You learn on a stepwise basis how to build a strong human resources strategy for a given company. This podcast is for those, who share a deeper and advanced interest in HRM: students, professionals and executives.

All slides related to this podcast can be downloaded here for free:

Armin Trost is a recognized professor on human resources management. He teaches at the Furtwangen University (Germany). Moreover he is known for various books in HRM. Dr Trost is an engaged speaker and a trusted advisor in the field of strategic HRM, leadership and organization.

by Armin Trost


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