Human Resources Strategies

Human Resources Strategies

HRM Master Course

#33 The Puzzle of Compensating High Performers in Teams

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Even in teams there might be high performers. Treating high performers differently might be a mistake. Not doing so might be a mistake too. You might either kill collaboration or you lose or not attract high performers. There is no perfect solution.

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About this podcast

This podcast provides a comprehensive overview on the strategic side of human resources management (HRM). You learn on a stepwise basis how to build a strong human resources strategy for a given company. This podcast is for those, who share a deeper and advanced interest in HRM: students, professionals and executives.

All slides related to this podcast can be downloaded here for free:

Armin Trost is a recognized professor on human resources management. He teaches at the Furtwangen University (Germany). Moreover he is known for various books in HRM. Dr Trost is an engaged speaker and a trusted advisor in the field of strategic HRM, leadership and organization.

by Armin Trost


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